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Master programme

The Master programme at ARCHIP is a two-year graduate professional degree programme. While independent from the Bachelor programme, within the interdisciplinary studio environment, they are linked. We place emphasis on an intense integration of each semester, incorporating all aspects of architectural practice, through design, history, theory and research, as an in-depth understanding of the field, with a focus on practical and project-based work.

About the programme

The graduate programme aims to develop well-rounded professionals in the field of architecture who are best positioned to go on to apply and further expand their talents in a range of professional workplaces.

Programme duration

2 years

Upcoming deadlines (EU/NON citizens)

January 31, 2025

All courses included in the Architecture and Urbanism Master programme are compulsory. As much as half of all study hours take the form of one-on-one consultations with the tutor. Thanks to the small number of graduate students in one year (max. 30), our students benefit from an intensive and highly personalised contact with our faculty members. The credit system and the classification scale is based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which allows for student mobility.

Our goal

Architectural Design is the cornerstone of our graduate programme enabling the students to work closely with their tutors, who are themselves practising architects, on a specific project which incorporates various aspects of architectural practice. Urban Design teaches students the broad theoretical principles of development/life/design of a complex urban system. Further, our graduate students also receive training in methods of communication with both private and public investors, consultants and stakeholders, since an architect must be able to engage in a professional dialogue and make collective decisions with fellow architects, professionals from other fields and with the public.

Gabriela Pacltová

Faculty Assistant

Need any help?

Admission process

Your suitability for the Master programme at ARCHIP will be tested in an admissions review for which you are kindly asked to submit the following:

If you are applying for the Master programme you will need to complete the Application Form which we will send you after you register your email address with us (see step 7). You will also need to attach to this a proof of completed secondary (high) school and undergraduate education (name of the school, year of completion and your degree).

After completing your Application Form, you will need to upload three attachments through the School’s Information System (IS, see step 7) containing the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Your recent passport-style photo
  • A Transcript of Records from the school where you received your undergraduate degree or are presently graduating from (in Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture or Civil Engineering) and your Bc-level diploma (if you had already successfully passed your exams)

If you are not a citizen of an English-speaking country (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States) or if you do not have at least one undergraduate degree from a school which teaches in English, you will need to submit a proof of your English level proficiency with the level of achievement indicated as per requirements stated below:

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) IBT with a minimum score of 79 points;TOEFL Paper with minimum of 550 points; TOEFL CBT with a minimum score of 213 points.
  • IELTS Academic version (International English Language Testing Service, British Council) with a minimum score of 6.5 points
  • CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) C1 level
  • Cambridge Exam (Certificate in Advanced English or Certificate of Proficiency in English from University of Cambridge)

As a Master programme applicant, you will also have to prepare a Design Portfolio of your works. Compiled into one PDF file, the Portfolio should not exceed 10MB in size. It also must not contain more than fifteen A3/Landscape pages and should be consisting of the following:

  • A Cover page with your name and your contact information
  • A maximum of FIVE (5) distinct projects (we recommend your final thesis projects or your most recent projects)
  • Each project must come with following information: name of the project, location, indication whether it is an academic or a professional project, your own effort or group work; your role in the process and exact contribution; level of the project (year/term when the project was carried out); date of the project; name and email of the project supervisor)
  • Each project documentation must include: concept sketches, development of ideas, approaches and methods; finished drawings of original design work documented in a clear and precise manner and showing both the intent and the resolution of each project; a written explanation (in English) of the design concept and solution (include the inspiration behind the project as well as the goals and objectives of the design)
  • No more than two projects are allowed to be from professional practice (projects from working in a professional studio/office/independent practice)
  • At least two projects must be your individual effort (you are the only author). At least one project should clearly demonstrate your structural design and technical knowledge and its application.

The portfolio must be attached to the application through the School’s Information system (IS, see step 7). 

For further advice, please see our Portfolio Guide by clicking here.


As a part of your application, you will also be expected to write a descriptive essay.

The essay should describe one of the projects displayed in your Design Portfolio. You should explain in it the meaning and significance of the project (urban/suburban/rural location) in the communicative space within which it is located. This demands (i) explaining its placement in the network of spatial relations of a given location, as well as (ii) its relevance to the tradition of architectural theory and history. Please do also point out any significant innovation introduced by your project and explain its nature and the difference from previous solutions and styles.

The essay must not exceed 1,000 words; the minimum length is 750 words. The first page of the essay must contain its title and the full name of the author. Concerning references and quotations, follow one of the major styles (APA, Chicago, Harvard Referencing, MLA). The essay must be submitted in PDF format to the IS (see step 7) 

Later, after the ARCHIP Admissions Committee evaluates the submitted materials, you may be asked to give an online interview (via Skype).


All admissions-related documents must be submitted via our Information system:
We will send you your login details and further instructions after you register your email address in the box below:

Apply to the Master programme here:

By submitting this form you agree with the processing of your personal information according to the Act No. 101/2000 Coll. by the provider Archip.

ARCHIP undertakes to treat your personal information private and confidential, and to store it in accordance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 known as GDPR (see our statement in Czech and in English) and by the applicable laws of the Czech Republic, in particular the Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal information, amending certain other laws, as amended. 

ARCHIP Admissions Committee will evaluate applications against several criteria (content and style, originality and artistic distinction, formal presentation of the portfolio).

Tution fees

The fees will cover course instruction and basic study content for lectures and seminars. Material for studio work will be excluded. Prices are as follow for the Master programme (4 semesters) at ARCHIP:

EUR 4,300

per semester for EU, EFTA** and UK nationals

EUR 4,300

per semester for students from the rest of the world

  • The school also offers some services – like printing – on a commercial basis. 
  • * EFTA members include Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.


ARCHIP scholarships are awarded to those who perform above-average in terms of academia and successfully complete all enrolled courses. Other criteria evaluated by the scholarship committee include diligence in study, attendance, extra-curricular activities in and out of school, other interests and an overall attitude. Bachelor and Master students may be eligible for the scholarship after their 1st year of study at ARCHIP.

Visa Requirements

If you are a foreign national and applying to study with us in the Czech Republic, you must contact the Czech embassy in your home country to obtain up-to-date information on the visa requirements for study purposes. Thanks to their EU membership, citizens of the European Union, citizens of the EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), and citizens of Switzerland, do not require visa for any type of visit or stay in the Czech Republic.

For more information please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic on this web address.

Please direct your admissions enquiries:

Important dates for academic year 2024/2025


AUG 28 – AUG 30, 2024

WINTER TERM (14+2 weeks)

SEP 2 – DEC 20, 2024

SUMMER TERM (14+2 weeks)

FEB 03 – MAY 16, 2025


OCT 28, 2024

MAY 1, 2025

MAY 8, 2025



APR 18 – APR 21, 2025


DEC 21, 2024 – JAN 5, 2025


MAY 12 – JUN 20, 2025


DEC 16 – 20 2024,JAN 6 – 31 2025


JUN 23 – AUG 29, 2025